Modal Verbs In Passive Voice Exercises Violet, The Passive Voice

Kalimat Pasif dari kalimat diatas adalah Nutrients from the animal are gotten by the plant.Forest fires are usually started bu unusually long-lasting hot lightning bolts.Stroms are caused by violent atmospheric distrurbances occuring over land and water.All oxygen that is needed in our world is supplied by plant and other photosynthetic organisms.Heat is released by asphalt and store heat longer and gradually at night.

Đang xem: Modal verbs in passive voice exercises violet

PembahasanPassive voice atau sering disebut kalimat pasif dalam bahasa indonesia, merupakan kalimat dimana subjek di kenai oleh pekerjaan. rumus passive voice selalu berupa be + past participle (V3). Untuk mengubah suatu kalimat aktif menjadi bentuk passive maka di sesuaikan dengan tenses yang digunakan. pada kalimat diatas tenses yang digunakan adalah simple present tense, maka rumusnya adalah :Active : Subjek + Verb+s/es + Objek.Passive : Subjek + am/is/are + Past Participle(V3) + by + :Andrea Hirata writes Laskar Pelangi. => Laskar Pelangi is written by Andrea Hirata.She gave me a flower. => I am given a flower by her.We read many books. => Many book are read by us.keterangan : to be am digunakan jika subjek berupa be is digunakan jika subjek berupa she, he, it, singular be are digunakan jika subjek berupa you, we, they, plural noun.Pelajari Lebih LanjutPassive voice : JawabanKelas : IXMapel : Bahasa InggrisBAB ; 8 – Present PassiveKode Kategorisasi : 9.5.8″}>” data-test=”answer-box-list”>


Kalimat Pasif dari kalimat diatas adalah

Nutrients from the animal are gotten by the plant.Forest fires are usually started bu unusually long-lasting hot lightning bolts.Stroms are caused by violent atmospheric distrurbances occuring over land and water.All oxygen that is needed in our world is supplied by plant and other photosynthetic organisms.Heat is released by asphalt and store heat longer and gradually at night.Pembahasan

Passive voice atau sering disebut kalimat pasif dalam bahasa indonesia, merupakan kalimat dimana subjek di kenai oleh pekerjaan. rumus passive voice selalu berupa be + past participle (V3). Untuk mengubah suatu kalimat aktif menjadi bentuk passive maka di sesuaikan dengan tenses yang digunakan. pada kalimat diatas tenses yang digunakan adalah simple present tense, maka rumusnya adalah :

Active : Subjek + Verb+s/es + Objek.Passive : Subjek + am/is/are + Past Participle(V3) + by + Objek.

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Xem thêm: Đề Kiểm Tra Hóa 10 Chương Oxi Lưu Huỳnh Violet, Kt 1 Tiết Chương Oxi :

Andrea Hirata writes Laskar Pelangi. => Laskar Pelangi is written by Andrea Hirata.She gave me a flower. => I am given a flower by her.We read many books. => Many book are read by us.

keterangan :

to be am digunakan jika subjek berupa be is digunakan jika subjek berupa she, he, it, singular noun.

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Xem Thêm : Bài Tập Về Tốc Độ Phản Ứng Và Cân Bằng Hóa Học Violet Mới Nhất 2021

to be are digunakan jika subjek berupa you, we, they, plural noun.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Passive voice :

Detil Jawaban

Kelas : IX

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

BAB ; 8 – Present Passive

Kode Kategorisasi : 9.5.8

Pertanyaan baru di B. inggris

yg orang bugis bantuiin dong ​
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23. …. they wash the animal every day?a. Areb. isc. dod. does24….. predator?a. Areb. isC. dod. does25.1 … English every nighta. Studyb…. studysc. Studiesd. studied26.I am not in a good right now.a. I was taking some medicineb. I am taking some medicinec. she is taking some medicined. He is taking some medicine27. Darrel : what is your teacher doing now?Dunant:a. He is teachingc. He was teachingb. he did not teachd. he does not tead28.Santo :… is watching the TV?Victor : My sister.a. Whob. Whatc. Whered. WhyLook Thorjawab yak;)​

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